The 12 apostates, LUHE was addressing Nevuelas comment. Instead of immediately reacting to LUHE's statement in a negative and demeaning way, why not take it all in context and add your thoughts/constructive criticism on the topic?... or just not say anything at all.
Incognigo Montoya
JoinedPosts by Incognigo Montoya
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Let's get real, and simplify:
Illegal entry into a country is... illegal. It is breaking the law. Committing a crime. The media, politicians, and all the do gooders in the world, are blurring lines, when they simply refer to them as "immigrants". Arguably many of these illegal immigrants are not career criminals, simply looking to better their lives. There are, though, a number of illegal immigrants who are criminals, looking for a more prosperous country from which to plunder, exploit, or terrorize the legal citizens. Who really wants those people here? How do we keep them out? By having a system that screens individuals wishing to enter this country and become a citizen. Wait, we already have that...
Should I do this?
by CivilServant79 inhi there this is my first post as i’m not sure what to do.
my family (both sides) are well known in our circuit and very dedicated to the truth.
but we’re relatively normal people and i love them all so much.
Incognigo Montoya
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will, be used against you in a Judicial committee....
Even if there ends up being no jc it will be used against you by any and all witnesses you come in contact with, thereafter.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Spoletta: Well, paraphrasing what was said in a recent debate. I'm not calling you all racists. All I'm saying is that racists would think you were one of them
Which ones? The white ones? black ones, hispanic, asian, middle eastern? Which racists would think I'm one of them?
Good strategy?
by Olig inso obviously the best way to leave properly is fading, that's a given i would have thought?.
however i'm in a situation where i'm not sure what to do... i've just left home, nobody bar my parents / gparents know my address.
at my parents request they asked if i would switch my cards over to the closer kingdom hall.
Incognigo Montoya
I will offer a peice of advice aside from what you're asking. If you haven't already, seek out friends. Form some relationships with individuals who share a common interest. A huge help in your psychological and physical transition away from your JW upbringing.
Physically out Mentally in or POMI
by new boy inthis is one of the saddest places a person can ever be in for sure.
this is were the person is no longer in the organization physically, for whatever reason.
they haven't attended meetings in years.
Incognigo Montoya
I was pomi for 13 years, then fluctuated between pimi and pomi (mostly pomi) for another 15 years, before I finally allowed myself to do some research, which eventually led me to come on this site. That's 28 years of mental anguish. Fortunately, in the first 13 years I created a life and a good friendship base out here in the real world. People who support me no matter what, and continue to be a big part of my life. I am forever grateful to them.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
I agree with everything LoveUni said. I will only elaborate my position in that I am not adverse to, and actually welcome diversity. I believe we have gained a lot, and continue to grow, by having a mixed bag of races and even cultures in our society. What I do not like is the mindset that white males are the "problem" in society. It's a bandwagon that is gaining popularity in recent years. Yes, many have suffered at the hands of white men, there are cases of it even today i.e. Harvey Weinstein. But many have suffered at the hands of other races as well, i.e. Bill Cosby, RKelly... it's not race, it's a mindset. Incidentally it's not even a gender thing, as women bear responsibility in some instances, but that's another topic, so I'll stay on point and leave that for another day. History is full of suffering at the hands of all races, cultures, and civilizations. African, Asians, Indians, Middle easterners, none are innocent. If we're gonna dig up the Horrible things that white men did in the past, we have to look at what all men did in the past. But that's not what's happening. Some people want to continue this angry narrative, while ironically living in a society, using everyday luxuries they take for granted, that was afforded to them, and to us all, by those same men. Erase those men from history, where do you stop? With whom do you stop? Vilify and browbeat white men today and what will you get? Nothing good comes from it. It's not the color of the flesh, it's the mindset. Celebrate the achievements and victories of all men. Use their mistakes to better yourself and society as a whole. Call people out when they do wrong. Hold them accountable. But only them, not everyone else who happens to fit into their racial, gender, or sexual orientation, catagory.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
I completely agree. I just dont think you can fully achieve one, without the other.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Waton: I think you are wrong here. The great pale civilization was developed without the contribution of greedy expansionism.
Huh? What history class have you been taking? The Greeks and Roman's were making great strides in philosophy, art, engineering, and many other aspects we recognize today, while also greedily expanding their control by battling with other civilizations in order to expand their empire, i.e. taking things that didn't belong to them. Were they not acquiring these other territories through violence? Or were they just happily given all the land?
By your own admission, they had slaves. Is any form of slavery acceptable? Are they somehow excused from their practice of slavery because, in their veiw "the slaves were better off"? Sounds like an excuse I've heard a few times regarding another civilization that enslaved people. While there were times of peace, prosperity, and advancement in culture, they were afforded this by their military might and the progressive expansion of their empire. Also, wasn't Rome an empire that fed Christian's to lions and fought gladiators to the death, all for entertainment? Very advanced of them...
So, no, I was correct in my previous statement.
I was simply pointing out that no civilization has impunity when it comes to hurting others. At least while creating their empire. It's just one group came out the victor, and to the victor go the spoils. Spoils which include recording their history, the way they see fit.
Diversity is White Genocide
by corrie54 inasia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?.
Incognigo Montoya
Redvip, the High school kids are victims, not of the native man, or the black isrealites, but of the media pushing an anti white veiw. The media wanted to further their racist maga hat wearing agenda at the expense of these kids. Look, I agree, the maga hats and shirts are redicous and stupid, but these kids, and the situation, were exploited, slanted, and tainted, by the media, in an effort to make a political statement; Anti white male. They were trying to make a group of white catholic boys out to be racist punks. Which they absolutely were not.